Here's the set up: ...I'm boarding my flight from Baltimore to Seattle and approach my seat. I had an upgraded seat that I paid a little extra for because of the long 6 hour flight. As I approach my row I smile and motion to the husband and wife sitting in the aisle and middle seat that my seat was next to the window.
I put my backpack in the overhead and the wife with a very stern voice says to me:"Did you come here to cheer or to protest?". "I came here to celebrate democracy ma'am"... I knew this was going to be a long flight at this point. She then proceeded with: (somewhat paraphrased as my memory allows)
Her: "You put a crazed man in charge of the nuclear codes! You should be ashamed!"
Me: 'Well we're all entitled to our opinions here ma'am."
Her: "And I'm entitled to get drunk and puke in your lap! I'm going to throw up right in your lap! You make me sick! Don't talk to me! Don't look at me! Don't you dare even put your arm on that rest. You disgust me! You should be ashamed of yourself! You put a maniac's finger on the button" (assuming she's means nukes). You are a bigot. You should get off this plane!"
Me: "Ma'am, by definition, bigotry is disparaging someone prior to knowing them simply by their beliefs and opinions. Thank you for being the very thing you preach against."
Just. Wow: