See the inside of the vacant old Crosley Building in Camp Washington!
1 of 9 The side of the Crosley Building along Arlington Street in Camp Washington. Company logo is over the door.
2 of 9 Graham Parr of TWG and Cincinnati radio historian Mike Martini in Powell Crosley's office at the Crosley Building in Camp Washington.
3 of 9 A piece of crown molding in Powell Crosley's office at the Crosley Building in Camp Washington. The ceiling has collapsed.
4 of 9 Surprise discovery of electronic equipment at the old Crosley Building in Camp Washington that may have transmitted 700 WLW programming to the broadcast tower in Mason.
5 of 9 Surprise discovery of electronic equipment at the old Crosley Building in Camp Washington that may have transmitted 700 WLW programming to the broadcast tower in Mason.
6 of 9 One of the vacant floors of the old Crosley Building in Camp Washington.
7 of 9 Cincinnati radio historian Mike Martini with Graham Parr of TWG, the Indianapolis developer of the Crosley Building in Camp Washington.
8 of 9 An old washroom at the Crosley Building in Camp Washington.
9 of 9 Up on the roof at the Crosley Building in Camp Washington with Graham Parr of Indianapolis developer TWG.