Stormy Daniels turned a $130,000 pay off into $293,000 of debt after her defamation suit against the President got tossed in October. Now Stormy is scrambling to find the money to pay Trump's legal fees that were racked up during the short lived suit. Despite a federal Judge shaving $50K off Trump's original bill
Enter Scores Gentlemen's Club. They've generously offered to help Stormy out with a familiar gig - stripping. The pending deal would see Scores charge a $30 admission fee, which Stormy would get 30 to 40% of in addition to the hard earned dollars she gets on stage. Negotiations are still pending obviously, but with 11 locations throughout the country it would be a profitable deal for Stormy.
If Stormy is taking this route, does that mean book sales are less than fantastic?
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