Proctor and Gamble is leading a new effort in Cincinnati calling on all people to wear masks whenever they leave the house. The public service campaign is being launched in advance of the fourth of July holiday and as the number of new coronavirus cases spike in southwest Ohio.
Here is the news release launching the campaign:
The Regional COVID Communications Center (RC3), powered by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, Cincinnati Business Committee/Cincinnati Regional Business Committee and The Health Collaborative is launching a MASK campaign as we prepare for the Fourth of July holiday weekend. This campaign is supported by the Governor of Ohio. Help us protect the region by sharing the important message of " IF YOU'RE OUT, MASKS ON,” to your employees and networks through social media.
Our goal is to have companies and organizations share these messages with their employees and customers. All the resources you need can be found in the attachment—please share these materials far and wide. We know through extensive testing that these messages work and help to change behavior.
Remember, the virus can spread between people who are close to each other when speaking, even if they aren’t showing coronavirus symptoms. No one wants to accidentally spread the virus to someone who might have severe complications if they catch it. Because of that, healthcare experts recommend wearing face coverings in public settings especially where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain: grocery stores, retail establishments, and even social gatherings.