Cincy Spotlight Featuring Ryan Pogozalski of Servall Electric

Ryan has been involved with Servall his whole life. From a young age, he would spend days riding around town going to jobs with his grandpa. While he was in high school and college, Ryan worked in the field as a helper and then as an electrician. Working side by side with his dad, Ryan learned the basics of electric and finished his field career working on Industrial plant jobs.

Ryan grew up in Hamilton, OH and attended Badin High School where he pitched for their baseball team. He continued to pitch ball competitively in college at Vincennes and Tiffin University.

Naturally a people person, Ryan excelled in making contacts throughout the community making him a great front figure for the business. When his father and uncle stepped down and passed the baton to Ryan, he was ready to start running with it.

Since Ryan took over the business, he has increased the sales and size of the company exponentially. What was once a small family owned business in the tri-state has grown to a recognized local business name doing work throughout the tri-state area and beyond.

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