Cincinnati Voters Casting Ballots for Mayor and Council

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Ohio secretary of state's office says polling places around the state opened for voting without any reports of major problems on Tuesday morning. 

Election directors were forced to relocate some polling sites in northeastern Ohio after a severe storm over the weekend caused power outages at some school and churches normally used as polling locations. 

In greater Cincinnati, voters are going to the polls today to help shape the future of their communities.  

A handful of contested races are on the ballot, including the contentious Cincinnati mayoral race between incumbent Mayor John Cranley and City Councilwoman Yvette Simpson and the 24-candidate race to fill nine City Council seats. 

The Cincinnati Public Schools are among school districts and cities with tax renewal levies up for a vote. 

The polls in Ohio are open till 7:30 p.m. 

Meanwhile Ohio voters are deciding on statewide issues that address crime victims, and prescription drug prices

Issue One is also known as "Marsy's Law," a constitutional amendment that would require crime victims are notified of all court hearings and the right to have input on plea deals and receive restitution. 

Issue Two is the controversial Ohio Drug Price Relief Act.  It would force state agencies to pay less for prescription drugs than the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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