The Legend of the Reds "WOOO!" Explored

Anyone who has recently been to a Reds game or listened to one on radio can't help but notice the annoying and inexplainable trend of fans echoing chants of "WOOO!" from all corners of the ballpark. Throughout. The. Enter. Game....It's awful.  I set out last night to explore 1.) What specifically the fans were saying? and 2.) from where did this horrific tradition originate?  

And like the legend of Bigfoot or Area 51, fans chimed in with explanations from all over the map.  Here are some:

Some say it is a horrible Pittsburgh Pirates tradition that Reds fans adopted one night adopted as their own...

Countless others say the "WOOO!" is simply copying Ric Flair's iconic chant...

Then the theories starting getting wilder and even more legendary...

However a majority of folks said without doubt that the trend started a few years ago during a rain delayed Bark in the Park evening when the dogs were howling back and forth and rain soaked, inebriated fans started mimicing them.

No matter where it originated, it MUST stop.  For the sake of all of our sanity.  That is why I am trending #KilltheWOOO!

Any other theories/evidence out there are welcomed!!! 

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