UPDATE: Lewd Graffiti On Withrow High School

( HYDE PARK, OH ) -- Police in Cincinnati are in search of vandals who spray-painted graffiti all over Withrow High School over the weekend in Hyde Park. They are looking at surveillance video to see if they identify the suspects who tagged the building with anti-gay messages, racial slurs, swastikas, and foul language.

The graffiti also mentioned President Donald Trump as well as Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley. The mayor spoke out against the vandals saying he is outraged at the act of hate and said the police department is acting quickly to identify those responsible.

The city sent a helping hand to Withrow High School on Sunday as city workers helped the school wash off and remove all graffiti before school started on Monday, January 23.

Monday morning, hundreds of city leaders, school employees, community members, and Withrow High School alumni came out to support the students as they arrived for class. Monday afternoon, another group assembled before classes dismissed to greet students and show them their support as they went to their buses.

Video of Supporters Greeting Students

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