93rd edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

93rd edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

I saw an ad for a Trapper Keeper. They've made a comeback? I may buy one and go old school with my show notes!

I believe if I'm folding laundry, Kelly has no grounds to critique how I'm folding said laundry. Guys, can I get an 'amen'?

I can't watch the Olympic parallel bars competition. I cracked my sternum on those bars in middle school gym class.

The Reds were in 1st place at last year's All-Star break and were not eliminated from playoff contention until the final Saturday of the season. Have you ever seen an organization lose momentum and benefit of the doubt so quickly?

I've always found it curious that Bengals players have to cross the street to get to practice. It just feels like something bad waiting to happen.

Does anything take you back to a place and time like music? I felt like a teenager again for five hours at the Totally Tubular Festival at Riverbend. Seven bands from the 80's!

You can hold out with two years left on your contract, in a season with Super Bowl hopes, as long as you are a fan favorite. See Ja'Marr Chase.

How about the commercial for Microsoft Copilot (artificial intelligence) and the parent asking Copilot to help her daughter write a letter? Shouldn't the parents do that?

My favorite book as a kid was the Guinness Book of World Records. I was fascinated by stuff like the longest fingernails, tallest man, etc.

TV show I channel surfed into this week: Las Vegas (2003-2008). Loved it. Strong cast: James Caan, Josh Duhamel, James Lesure, Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims. 

Why would Bob Castellini sell the Reds? It's a money maker and his son is President and COO. Would you sell that situation?

Bengals players making millions need a multi-millionaire dollar state-of-the-art locker room because players making millions on all the other NFL teams have multi-millionaire dollar state-of-the-art locker rooms. Stop being jealous of athletes.

As a kid, I never understood the fascination with tether ball or pixy stix.

As poorly as the week has gone for the Reds organization, I'd think it ultimately impacts David Bell. A new manager would become the shiny object ownership would use to distract fans. That would be celebrated by those unaware they are being played.

I'm a casual observer/fan of Olympic swimming. But I'm a big fan of Rowdy Gaines as a commentator.

Again, if a MLB manager is that big a deal, why have the Cubs gone from 83 wins last year without Craig Counsell, to last place with Craig Counsell?

Zac Taylor's been the most media savvy Bengals coach since Sam Wyche. I think it's weird how disingenuous he's being with fans and media. We aren't dumb. We know what's going on with Chase. It's OK to say it.

We still have some spots remaining for our Sports Talk listener trip to New Orleans. Come with us! We can't wait.

Imagine rolling out Hunter Greene-Nick Lodolo-Andrew Abbott in a three-way playoff series. Imagine if ownership looked at it that way.

We took advantage of the soft sided cooler policy at Riverbend. Those Chipotle tacos and chips and guac hit the spot during five hours of Totally Tubular.

Small tasks I really don't like: Emptying the dishwasher. Our rules is that if you open a finished load, you have to unload it.

Don't worry about things you don't care about.

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