Colerain Fire and EMS to Provide Home COVID-19 Vaccinations

( Colerain Township, OH ) - Colerain Township Fire and EMS is working in conjunction with the Hamilton County Public Health to offer at-home COVID-19 vaccinations for Colerain residents who are homebound, invalid or otherwise unable to travel or get out to a vaccination clinic.

The program gets underway starting Monday, March 15th. Colerain residents or their caregiver can register for this service at

This site is already operational and ready to accept reservations. Once a reservation is made, Colerain Paramedics will then reach out to schedule the in-home visit. At the time of the vaccination, the Colerain Paramedic will also schedule the patient for a second dose, if necessary.

The state of Ohio is currently offering vaccinations to those who are 50 and older in the state, but there is no age requirement for this program.

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