Local Nonprofits Get Help From Hamilton County

(Cincinnati, OH) - Hamilton County Commissioners are helping local nonprofits continue to provide essential services to the community in the age of COVID-19 with up to $5.5 million in grants as a part of its CARES Act Plan. Starting today, applications are being accepted to help nonprofit agencies combat the ongoing financial impacts of COVID-19. 

Eligible nonprofit organizations with a physical address in Hamilton County may apply for funding from $25,000 up to $250,000. The nonprofit must provide essential social and family services in Hamilton County including food access, workforce development, substance abuse services, services benefiting senior citizens, and foreclosure prevention.

Included in the $5.5 million in nonprofit grants, Hamilton County set aside $500,000 specifically for nonprofit organizations that provide domestic violence supportive services. To streamline the process, the applications for domestic violence support services is the same as the other nonprofit application but will be evaluated separately using the same criteria. 

“Nonprofits have been taking it on the chin throughout this pandemic. They are trying to fill the tremendous need in the community while fighting the financial burden of COVID-19,” says Commission President Denise Driehaus. “These grants will allow us to strategically help alleviate some of the burden so they can continue their missions of caring for our most at risk citizens.”

“These organizations are providing direct services to our most vulnerable populations,” said Commission Vice President Stephanie Summerow Dumas. “We know times are tough and the need is there now more than ever. My hope is that this investment is enough to stabilize the nonprofits that help stabilize our community.”

“These nonprofits aren’t just providing feel-good services; they are performing essential functions like access to food, addiction treatment, and domestic violence support to stabilize families. We need to ensure that these agencies can survive this pandemic to continue to serve on the front lines.” said Commissioner Victoria Parks.

Applications will be reviewed and scored by members of the Community Development Advisory Committee who currently review the County’s grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

To apply for this grant and for more information on eligibility and process, visit Hamilton County’s website.

Hamilton County has received $142 million in CARES Act funding to combat the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 in the community. Commissioners created a Hamilton County CARES Dashboard for the public to track these funds as they are distributed through the community.

The public may also sign up for email notifications on future Hamilton County CARES programs on the County’s website.


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