OTR Parking Permit Applications Start December 17

( Over-the-Rhine ) - Parking has been an issue since the revitalization of Over-the-Rhine transformed the once-troubled neighborhood. The spike in popular restaurants, shops, and housing has far surpassed places for people to put their cars, and now city leaders are looking to make parking in that neighborhood a bit more organized.

Starting December 17, people who live in Over-the-Rhine can start to apply for parking permits for a Special Parking Permit Area. The designated area, pictured above, covers the southern part of OTR. Once an application is submitted and cleared, a parking permit would cost $60 per year. People who qualify as having low income could get the permit for $25. The program begins January 1, 2019.

A statement from the city notes that there are no specific parking spaces defined in the Special Parking Permit Area, but there is enough room for 500 vehicles. Anyone with the permit can park in the designated zones. Permits are limited to one per person and two per dwelling. 

More information, including a link to download the application, can be found here.

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