CDC Warns Of E.coli Outbreak From Romaine Lettuce

(Ohio) - 35 people nationwide including two in Ohio have become ill from an E.coli outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

The CDC reports that chopped romaine lettuce from the Yuma, Arizona growing region could be contaminated with E. coli and could make people sick.

The CDC urges consumers anywhere in the United States who have store-bought chopped romaine lettuce at home, including salads and salad mixes containing chopped romaine lettuce, should not eat it and should throw it away, even if some of it was eaten and no one has gotten sick. 

Officials said if you do not know if the lettuce is romaine, do not eat it and throw it away.

The CDC also urges anyone finding romaine lettuce in their home should clean all fridge, counter, and food surfaces with warm soapy water.

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