Don’t let her name fool you! Gator is all “Hey, Love Me!” Bark and no bite- as long as you watch your fingers, because she does love her treats! This sweet girl is around 15 years old and believed to be a Boston Terrier mix. Gator came in as a stray, but we were able to find her owner’s information through her microchip. Her owner stated that they felt like they worked too much to take care of her and requested we keep her and find her a new, loving home! They said Gator loves to spend time outside and would do great with a fenced in yard to go out to enjoy the outdoors frequently! Gator has great energy for her age and she would love a forever home where she can live our her days getting butt scratches and sunbathing!
Older pets make the BEST buddies - and nothing is better during the chilly weather than a warm sweater and a Snuggly Senior! Senior Dogs are $25 (plus their license fee) and Senior Cats are $5 through the end of the month!
It’s a busy season here at Animal Friends and we are finding so many of our kennels full, with more animals coming in each and every day! We understand that not everyone is in a position to adopt, but if you have any extra room in your home to temporarily foster, our animals would be giving extra thanks to spend part of the holidays with you! Animal Friends pays for all medical expenses and can provide any supplies a foster may need; we just ask fosters to open up their hearts and home to an animal in need!