This past weekend, we traveled to South Hills, PA to watch The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields teams take on Sean Casey's Miracle League of South Hills, PA.
We can't thank everyone with The Nuxhall Miracle League enough for allowing us to experience the weekend.
In a world filled with way too much anger, criticism and meanness, we experienced two days of joy, hope and kindness.
What a scene Saturday morning when three Nuxhall teams buses rolled into the complex. A raucous crowd, marching band and cheerleaders welcomed players off the bus. I won't forget the wide eyes and smiles. One player said “is everyone here for us?”
Four games took place, ranging from the young kids to adults. Each at-bat was a big deal with a PA announcer introducing each player.
Chad Caddell noted the power of the connections made between the parents and kids of the Nuxhall league and the South Hills teams. Examples of others, just like them, facing the same challenges.
The cheers each time the bat struck the ball were electric. The look of excitement and accomplishment on the face of each player as they ran to 1st base was heartwarming.
The beauty of it all included the innocence of Nuxhall kids playing duck-duck-goose in the outfield with their 'Buddy' assigned to assist them, while the games went on. Laughing and giggling, seemingly without a care in their world.
Kelly and I marvel at the time, commitment, heart and soul and love poured into this by the likes of Tyler Bradshaw Kim Nuxhall, Chad Caddell, Ron Reidy, Larry Tischler, and many others I apologize to for leaving them out.
We watched Kim and Chad walk around the field during the game to personally shake hands with and thank each Buddy for coming out.
We watched an unflappable Tyler coordinate, oversee and execute a flawless weekend. All while monitoring the GroupMe App for any issues/concerns from parents.
Watching Sean Casey in action, oozing with energy and passion, is such a treat. He locked in and engaged with every single player that came up to him, putting a smile on their face and making them feel like the most important person on the planet. He made time for everyone, ever single person. Photo. Autograph. Hug. Tears. He was shooting T-Shirts into the crowd. He was pitching to the players.
We enjoy being around the Nuxhall Miracle League because it's a full force feel good vibe. It resets our life and shows us true joy. It offers perspective and reinforcement of what really matters in life.
We've been blessed with Casey's battle. We continued to be blessed with the chance to get to know and be around those associated with the Nuxhall Miracle League.
We feel blessed to have witnessed what took place this weekend.
I can't imagine the hours and effort required to keep the Nuxhall Miracle League going, or the funds needed to complete their dream of the Hope Center. It's a 28,000 square foot indoor facility for the players.
I also can't imagine any business, company, individual not being moved to want to be a part of it all, once they experienced the magic.
Stop by. See it. Feel it. It will move you.
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