Top 10 Jobs That Make Americans Happy

You spend a lot of time at work so might as well do something that makes you happy.

  • Researchers with analyzed over 755-thousand Glassdoor reviews to find the careers that get the most enthusiastic thumbs-ups from employees.
  • Overall, the career with the highest job satisfaction is real estate agent, with an average rating of 4.24 out of five.
  • The unhappiest employees in the study are mail carriers, which gave an average rating of just 2.83.
  • Pharmacists, security guards, paramedics and hair dressers round out the top five jobs that make workers unhappy.

The Top 10 Jobs That Make Americans Happy

  1. Real estate agent
  2. Carpenter
  3. Software developer
  4. Designer
  5. Fitness instructor
  6. Firefighter
  7. Secretary
  8. Computer support
  9. Logistics manager
  10. Physician
Adorable Boss nerd dog working on remote project online conference.

Foto: Fly_dragonfly / iStock / Getty Images

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